Gair Consulting. Independent Air Quality & Odour Specialists

Gair Consulting is highly experienced in the provision of air quality assessments and expert evidence in support of planning and environmental permitting applications for a wide variety of industrial, residential and commercial developments.

In addition, Gair Consulting, in collaboration with Envest Ltd and a consortium of specialist consultants, has extensive experience in the preparation of Environmental Statements and associated documents, including scoping and screening reports, and Environmental Permit applications.

For further information please contact:
Amanda Gair on 01869 278889 or
Nicola Beaumont at Envest Ltd at 01235 847425 or

Recent projects
Thor Cogeneration Power Plant Crimond Crematorium, Scotland Vireol Bioethanol Plant, Grimsby Saltend Cogeneration Power Plant Gas Pipeline, Teesside Permitting of a di-isocyanate process